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AG Communications 

The Ag Communications class teaches agricultural journalism while also touching on FFA contests that include Prepared Public Speech, Extemporaneous Speaking, Impromptu Public Speaking, and Parliamentary Procedure. This course meets UC/CSU requirements, and classroom evaluations are made by written tests, oral reports, participation, homework assignments, etc.

Animal Science

The Animal Science class covers livestock species identification, livestock pests, large animal management, anatomy/physiology of livestock animals, genetics and breeding, nutrition and feeds, animal health, and meat grading. It also provides a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) and FFA leadership development, and teaches parliamentary procedure . Classroom evaluations will be made by written tests, oral reports, participation, homework assignments, etc.

Intro to Ag

The Intoduction to Agriculture class teaches leadership development, agricultural business management, Cailfornia agriculture, employable skills, animal science introduction, and plant science introduction. It also provides a supervised agriculture experience (SAE) and informs students of available careers in the field of agriculture. Classroom evaluation is made by written tests, oral reports, participation, homework assignments, etc.


Plant Science

The Plant Science class teaches basic plant science material and FFA leadership development while also providing a supervised agriculture experience (SAE) and agricultural business management. In addition, areas of agricultural careers, irrigation, and hydroponics are covered. This course meets UC/CSU requirements, and classroom evaluations are made by written tests, oral reports, participation, homework assignments, etc.

FFA evaluations of all classes will be made on the students' participation in local, sectional, regional, state, and/or national FFA events. Students must complete 5 approved events per semester. Second, third, and fourth year students are required to have a concurrent SAE and complete a record book. 

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