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CDE stands for Career Development Events, or contests in other words. We will continue updating all of the contest dates and information as well as post photos and placements of all contests.

Andrea A. got 2nd place for the Job Interview contest at the sectional level and went on to the regional level and placed 5th.

Taylor B. got 1st for Extemporaneous Speaking at the sectional level and  moved on to regionals.

Grace Rodriguez placed 7th for the Impromptu Speaking contest.

Becca Altamirano placed 1st for Impromptu the the sectional level and went to regionals and placed 7th.

Brian, Becca, and Grace posing for a picture with their ribbons after their contest.

We took 5 members to regionals in Pomona. (Left to right) Trevor D., Taylor B., Andrea A., Baylee Y., Becca A.

The 5 members we took to regionals in Pomona before they each competed. (Left to right) Andrea A., Becca A., Taylor B., Trevor D., Baylee Y.

On their way home from contests in Pomona, these members and Mrs.Taylor found the Mystery Machine and had to stop for this once-in-a-lifetime picture.

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